Friday, September 29, 2006

Check this out!

Two cool web sites I have come across on my travels are second life and Hitler cats, now I have not had much time to explore second life, but I may come back and give it a proper review in the near future. The concept of the web site is simular to that of the SIMS games. You create a person in a 3d world and you can meet other people, go different places. you have to down load some software and there is a free access account, but if you want to build or buy property in the game you have to set up a premium account which will cost you.

Another great site is cats that look like hitler, man its freaky and well worth checking out, if you have a world dominating cat you can post its pics on there.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Scammers Wanted

It all started on the 10th of april when I was approached with an e-mail by a female in "Senegal", who know where she or he really are located but the story went that her family had been killed in the civil war and her father was a diplomat and was rich. She is now in a refugee camp and has no way to get to her money so she needs your help to get the money and that you will get a share of 6.5 Million bucks.

I knew it was a scam from the get-go but I played along, they tried different tacks to get me to send money but with some cunning I wiggled out of it but kept them hooked. after long running battles they finally moved the money "physically" to holland". Ok any fool would know that money is moved electronically not physically from country to country. It took some time for this they tried to get me to send money to a fake lawyer in senegal I will give you his detail later. when this didnot work they tried to have me send money for the release fee on the money from the bank in africa. when this did not work they "shipped" it to Holland and on collection of the money i would pay a transfer fee for moving the money.

The bank in holland and Silvana over the months asked for my name, address, phone number, fax number, a scan of my passport. can you believe that!.

so I agreed to go to holland last friday they were going to meet me at the airport and bring me to the bank in holland.

Perhaps they thought I would have the transfer fee on me and could rob me and leave me for dead. I dont quite know how it would have played out had i gone to amsterdam.

I kept them hooked gave them my flight no and arrival time everything. I had told them that from there I would travel to Senagal and bring Silvana to live with me. such BS.

It now thurday and I have not shown in amsterday so silvana sent me an e-mail stating that she thought I was not trust worthy. Me not trust worthy, that a joke. so as a grand finally I sent a photo of a stack of money explaining that I have been messing with them for months. just to piss them off big time.

The people involved are as follows

Silvana spencer -

The fake lawyer
John camara -
Phone +221 1486 1805

The Fake african bank
Malik Abdul -

Arab Trust Finance Inc
45 Rue Brystone
Phone +221 405 2116
Fax +221 5588 85 6674

The Fake Bank Holland

Eric Macgregor -
Alpha Diplomatic Finance Services
International Diplomatic worldwide Securities Only
Schip Clearing House
Europe Zone A
The Netherlands
Phone +31 645 966 024
Fax +31 847 535 838

If you get any corrispondance from the above people be warned it is a scam and only a fool will be caught, but a fool and there money are soon parted.